Once again, my mouse clicks on the "register" button. But this time, I have a choice. Half or full? For some inexplicable reason, yet again, I click on "full".
26.2? Again?? WTF? I don't know why I do it. The last half I did in September was hard. Really hard. My feet started to give out at mile 11.5, and if it weren't for the injured hot guy from Florida that I was pacing and chatting up, I might have finished with an even worse time. So what makes me think I can do another full #*%*]^ marathon?
To be honest, I have more doubts this time. The first time, I didn't know what to expect, so my doubts were about the unknown. You might say that I didn't know what I didn't know, and that, in itself, is actually an advantage.
The second time, I didn't even make it to the start line. A leg injury happened, and being anxious to get back to training, a re-injury happened shortly thereafter, and I was relegated to the sidelines. Luckily for me, that experience was just as meaningful, cheering on my friends to the finish line and even jogging the last 0.2 with my friend, Sara, assuring her that the finish line was just around the corner.
The third time, it's different once again. I've finished one marathon, so I know I can do it. But I've also failed to make it to the start line, so I know even starting, let alone finishing, isn't assured. Plus, I want to not only start and finish it, but I want to do it better than last time.
So that is how I'm approaching this marathon. It's all about what I can do better in my preparation so that I not only beat that first time, but that I can make it to the start line with confidence.
I know I haven't written here in a while. Sometimes it felt like my running had become so normal and routine that I felt I had nothing new or interesting to say. Maybe that's why I clicked the "full" button. Because I don't want my running - or my life - to be normal. I want to push myself, do crazy things to remind myself that I still have a lot of life left to live. To exceed what I think I can do, even at the age of 45, and this time, it's not just about race day. It's about my life.
So I'm cranking up the blog once again, hoping that you will all indulge me as I share my thoughts, challenges, triumphs and failures. This time around, I don't just want to start, and my goal isn't to just finish. I'm shooting for an under 6 hour finish. For me, that's what we call a BHAG (big hairy ass goal, for those wondering). It won't be easy. It will involve not only a lot of training miles, but will involve more hills, more strength training, more types of cardio training, and most importantly, more of a focus on how I fuel my body for maximum performance. (More on that in the next blog.)
So here goes. Registration is complete, and I am an official entrant for the 2013 Vancouver marathon (first Sunday in May for those so inclined to come cheer me on). I will once again have my teammates - Janna, Lori, Sasha, Sara, Holly and Cindy (so far), which will make this a great experience no matter how it turns out for me.
Wish me luck.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad