Week one of the training schedule is complete. Maybe here is a good time to share the training I'm doing. I'm using this website. I liked it because it seemed doable, with the longest training run being a 20-mile run. I figured if I could do 20, I can certainly do 26. I hope. After laying out the schedule, training started on December 5th.
This week's training - three 2-mile runs. I did two of them outdoors and one on the treadmill. Just an aside here. I HATE the treadmill. I usually want to stop running after about 30 seconds on the treadmill because I get seriously bored, so to make it two miles is a chore. I use the treadmills at my kinesis studio, Vera Fitness, and they are state of the art. Each treadmill has its own TV with full cable TV, and it will give you every stat you could ever want. But it doesn't make the treadmill any easier for me. Anyone with treadmill tips, they are appreciated.
Anyway, week one is in the books and was a success; I did all my runs, with a cumulative pace time of 12:52 per mile. My goal is to get to an 11-minute mile or below by race day, which is pretty ambitious given my slow pace today, but something I think is achievable with consistent training, strength training, intervals and yoga, all of which I'm incorporating. At first, I just wanted to finish faster than that Elizabeth chick on this season's Biggest Loser when she did the final four BL marathon. But when I saw she ran a 7 hour and 17 minute marathon, I figured I could raise the bar just a bit.
And now for my rant on Elizabeth. Has there ever been a Biggest Loser contestant that has skated through doing less and learning less than Elizabeth? I love Biggest Loser because it always inspires me to do something. And I'm always inspired by 99% of the contestants as all of them usually have so much farther to go to their goals than I do. But for some reason, Elizabeth just gets under my skin.
Don't get me wrong. She's probably very nice. But she never got voted off because everyone knew she wasn't a threat, and she always seemed to say just what she thought she was supposed to say - that she needed to stand on her own two feet, blah blah blah, but it never seemed like it came from her heart. I've never seen anyone on that show that seemed less sincere, and then she proved it when she went home before the marathon.
For those that didn't see it and don't know the show, the final four contestants are always sent home for 6 weeks to see how they do on their own. Miss "I know I need to stand on my own two feet" decided that the first thing she should do when she got home was move in with her boyfriend, and the second was stuff her freezer with frozen burritos and ice cream. Of course, when trainer Jillian Michaels showed up (which she should have known would happen since it happened EVERY OTHER SEASON) and found all the junk food in her freezer, Elizabeth blamed it on the boyfriend. Of course she did.
Anyway, congratulations to her for finishing the marathon, but I hope America selects Ada for the final spot in the finale, and I hope I can do better than the 7 hours and 17 minutes Elizabeth clocked.
Tomorrow is the beginning of training, week 2. I'm scheduled for a 3-mile run, but I'm doing a full 5K, the Jingle Bell Run. Weather forecast is for pouring rain and 40 degrees, and I expect the Santa hat to be soaked by the end, but the goal is to run the entire 3.1 with no walking.
Next - Jingle Bell Run results and week 2 - How do I train when I have to travel.
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