Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You didn't think I'd stop there, did you?

It's been almost 2 months since I finished the marathon. Since then:

- I officially lost one toenail
- I've started training for my sprint triathlon and, due to the horribly cold summer in Seattle, have only managed two open water swims
- I've gotten back on my bike, but haven't done enough riding
- I've run here and there, but nothing over 5k

In other words, a little bit of a marathon letdown. I thought that once I completed a marathon, I'd be so strong that training for the sprint triathlon I always do will be a piece of cake. But what happened is that I've lost the motivation I had.

I never thought I'd say this, but I miss training for the marathon. I miss the strategy sessions with my training buddies, the long weekend runs that I always dreaded, the aches and pains that came with those long runs, shopping for the right electrolyte powders and gels, and mostly, anticipating the big event.

I'm finally starting to kick the triathlon training into gear and getting myself motivated for the Danskin. But I still needed something else, something to look forward to, another challenge.

A brief Internet search turned up the answer. The Napa Valley Marathon. March 4th, 2012. Yep, I'm gonna do this again. Janna too. And we've already got some new recruits.

Sasha, my dear friend who has already signed up and is researching fabulous accommodations for us. Cindy, another fabulous friend, who was convinced to join us by Janna on a train ride to Portland (and hasn't quite committed yet, but maybe this will convince her). Amber, my amazing friend who just did her first half marathon in Missoula in July, and immediately declared herself 80% ready to join us. And if I can convince her, my beautiful sister Nancy, whose birthday is the day after the marathon (what better way to celebrate?).

Training starts in November. To prepare, I'll be doing the Oregon Wine Half Marathon in September. A perfect kickoff as it includes both running and wine.

And this time, I will be putting more focus on technique, injury prevention and nutrition, and I'll be blogging about what I learn as I go. My goal this time is to finish with a better time than last time, and my BHAG is to slice 45 minutes off my Edge to Edge time.

So stay tuned for more of the couch potato marathon blog. Here we go again.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. I know how you feel. Can't quite get my mileage back up either and keep getting aches and pains where I never had them before!!
